Thanks to the MLP Vector club and all those great vector artists who provided the stuff to play with.
Description: Twilight leaves Cadance on the park bench to fetch some drinks and take in the scenery for awhile. A moment later some disgruntled voiced and the name Rainbow Dash is mentioned behind the bushes of the bench Cadance was on.
Mean while, Rainbow Dash is freaking out about a missing filly, lawsuits, prison time… and runs into an equally panicked Twilight babbling about lost princesses, etc.
Two team up to help save the missing ponies…
Cadance, mean while, was playing dolls the whole time by the bushes, behind the bench, with Diamond Tiara. Cadance helped her sort her frustrations through playing dolls made of grass and sticks which she turned to actual pony dolls of those they knew, figuring out soon how Rainbow Dash was being neglectful and insensitive in her duties because she was too awesome for tea parties or ballet and wanting to force Diamond to do colt stuff. Cadance decides then to take care of Diamond in the meantime till she can find RD or till her Father returned from his business trip at the station.
Twilight discovers Cadance at the train station and RD accuses Diamond of impersonating a princess’ royal headgear, and brainwashing Cadance in the process to take over the Crystal Empire and declare herself Queen of Diamonds!
Twilight simply rolled her eyes at RD’s implausible accusations. Instead argued Cadance’s love of tiaras has made the princess go over the deep end, acquiring a living breathing tiara upon a pony whose name is Diamond Tiara whose very cutie mark is a diamond tiara…
Cadance clears it all up, Diamond Tiara remarks about how at least Cadance joined her tea party followed with RD making a comment defending herself about how she can’t do tea parties because tea parties are lame, gets yelled at by all three tiara wearing ponies: “tea parties are NOT lame!”
And yeah, that’s the short of it. :P