Autumn Blaze: I-i need to pee & poop now Rain Shine!
Rain Shine: Oh ok Autum Blaze just hold it a bit for Mommy ok sweetie.
Autumn Blaze: Oh ok.
Rain Shine: There we go, now that i have put your diaper on you, you are free to go sweetie.
Autumn Blaze: I-i don’t know about this Mommy, i mean it will feel so wierd & yucky.
Rain Shine: Shh, now let it all out & i will change you after you are done sweetie.
Autumn Blaze: I-i feel it coming out now Mommy & it do feel very wierd & yucky.
Rain Shine: Shh i know i must feel that way, but trust me you are being a very Good Girl right now who is doing a very good job.
Autumn Blaze: Oh-ok but it keeps comming out Mommy.
Rain Shine: You are going a very great job, now sweetie give the diaper all that you have got in 1 final hard push, empy yourself completely.
Autumn Blaze: Ok Mommy i will do so, (HNG!) i am all done now & the diaper is leaking now & it feel so wrong & grose!
Rain Shine: Now now sweetie calm down, sitt down flank down here on this changing mat, lay on your back here & Mommy will chang you.