- Giving it a bit of thought Bimbo Rarity would strike you as someone who would almost never be seen in the same outfit twice. Some days she would attend in a classy dress and others in the most crazy or exotc getup.
- On the other side we have Sweetie Belle. The thought that the little sister of a fashionista has zero sense for outfits is very amusing.
- Most of this was actually done way back in january. Been really looking forward to share this. This has been a productive month, but now almost all the backup files/sketches have been done and posted. Cell Shading has proven to be very efficient and time saving but would now like to focus more on quality than quantity now as life is also gonna get busy again.
- Gonna use this to slowly start to planning on new bimbos. There’s been some overdue for a long time now. Not gonna rush anything however.
_________________________ - Bimbo Stories (By Background Pony)
Celestia & Luna
Nurse Redheart & Cheerilee 1
Nurse Redheart & Cheerilee 2
Maud Pie, Marble, Limestone (Pie Sisters) 1
Maud Pie, Marble, Limestone (Pie Sisters) 2
Secretary Raven
Trixie & The Illusions 1
Trixie & The Illusions 2
Phtoto Finish & The Snapshots
Twilight Velvet
Shining Armor
Vinyl Scratch
The Cakes
Berry Punch
Cloudy Quartz
Cookie Crumbles
Granny Smith
Lilac Sky & Spring Step
Twist (By D-tech)
- Side Story
RD, Twilight & Shining Armor
Pinkie Pie & Fluttershy
The Flower Trio
Sassy Saddles & Amethyst Star
Flitter & CloudChaser
High Spirits
Cookie, Cloudy & Magnum
Gizmo, Marks, Wind Rider & Cheerilee
Scott Green, Luna, Raven
Atomic Adam
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