Oskar is a six-year-old boy who lives in Sternvald’s outskirts. He is the son of Prince Sieva Dolsha and Raider (Kalia), who was taken away from them as soon as he was born to keep him away from the conflicted and dark-hearted couple that were his parents. This was planned behind Sieva’s back, so the child wouldn’t end up becoming evil like his parents. He is currently living with Berna and Denisse Gerdann, a lesbian couple of a valkyrie and a mage. Oskar is very sweet and loving unlike any of his birth parents, and loves animals. He, in fact, wants to become a veterinarian when he grows up.
Left form is his default form, right is his demon form (because he inherited powers similar to Loki, Sieva’s demon alter).
And before you ask, no, Sieva and Raider don’t have pony versions of themselves.