Twilight and Celestia became closer after Twilight’s transcendence to alicornhood and coronation. Celestia, never having had a pony to become close to for fear of losing them to time, gradually became attracted to the new goddess. Twilight, always having an attraction to her teacher, was the one to make the first move, albeit awkwardly. Their dating was secret until they announced it formally. The press ate it up and full supported them. They eventually married after Twilight got pregnant and gave birth to Prince Dawn, who was born and earth pony due to the clashing genes of Celestia and Twilight.
Dawn is a sweet, excitable colt with a passion for intelligence and creativity. He sleeps at sunset and wakes at sunrise, no matter the day or conditions. He’s strong and quick-witted and very kind to ponies he meets. Dawn eventually learned how to be forgiving to those who have made mistakes, even dreadful ones that could hurt you. Dawn was kidnapped at a young age by Princess Larva under command of her mother. Dawn came between Larva and his mother when Celestia began to approach the young changeling to punish her, and transcended in his forgiveness of her despite his undernourishment and injury.