From the hit (South Korean) manhwa, later adapted to anime, Freezing got a sequel named Freezing Vibration, aired in Japan at the same year as the Nihongo/Japanese dub of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic (Seasons 1 & 2). OP is NOT joking. Don’t criticize if you haven’t watched the anime yet; OP, too.
Sequel to []
Suzuko Mimori (Pinkie Pie) voiced an E Pandora from England named Amelia Evans (age 20).
Izumi Kitta (Rainbow Dash), though she had voiced a previous character from the original anime Cleo Brand, voiced an E Pandora from the USA named Jina Purpleton (age 19).
And these ARE their official names. Can’t read/translate Nihongo/Japanese all that much to get the gist of the events after the original anime, but these are all the details OP here provided.