You are heir to a long and RELATIVELY DISTINGUISHED CONSIDERING YOUR LOW BIRTH legacy of service in the ranks of the RANGERSERVISTS, a home guard division specializing in the engagement and disposal of FRIGHTENING FLORA. While the pay is good and staying close to Alternia appeals to you, as youve always been SOMETHING OF A HIVEBODY, the Rangerservists are at the bottom of the imperial military hierarchy, only a couple steps above THE SLAVES TAKEN AS WAR BOOTY. Ships in the sector whose crews are on leave tend to visit your garrison and HAZE THE EVERLOVING FUCK OUT OF YOUR LOWBLOODED ASSES.
You have zero tolerance for this, and you have nothing but contempt for comrades who would hide and BOGGLE VACANTLY AT THESE SHENANIGANS, but theres only so much you can do to a highblood before they decide itd be in their best interests to SHOVE A THING IN YOUR CHAGRIN TUNNEL. Which, incidentally, is something you saw once a highblood do to an inferior as a pupa. There was blood everywhere, but seeing it sure as shit built character. You wouldn’t be the person you are today if you hadn’t witnessed that particular act of brutal violence.
Your trolltag is forthrightMediator and ya like ta write yer accent phoneticly, on account of it pissin’ highbloods off faster n countstep music pisses off deathgurgle snakes.
What will you do?