After being secretly infected by a second dark spore by Daemon, Fluttershy assumes the form of Vespimon >>433106 and attempts to enslave the Digital World to vent her deeply-hidden frustrations, believing it to be nothing more than a simulation.
After being proven wrong, she suffers a breakdown, but eventually recovers in time to activate her True Harmonic Evolution.
*Digimon Analyzer: Papillomon*
Type: Insectoid
Attribute: Virus
Level: Hybrid (Ultimate Equivalent)
Special Attacks: Butterfly Sting, Compound Gaze
Papillomon is an insectoid digimon with supremely-honed strength and combat instinct. While gentle and kind to all living things, if those it cares about are threatened, it will fight to protect them with a ferocity that very few digimon ever display. It gaze is said to be able to disarm all but the most powerful foes.