Rarity, Cherry Jubilee, and Maud Pie:
Rarity was fresh out of a divorce with Fancy Pants. She was the first of her friends to marry, and the first to divorce. She fell into a depression. Rarity tried to distract herself from the obvious pain. One day, she rekindled her lost friendship with Cherry Jubilee, who was paying visits to the Apple Family. Rarity realized how much they got along, and felt a little happier. She took up more and more time of Cherry’s visits. Cherry convinced Rarity to return to her passion, and to take her gem mining. There they met Maud Pie. Maud invited them to her home, which Rarity and Cherry marveled at. Rarity adored these two mares. Suddenly, Cherry suggested they all date each other. Rarity and Maud agreed, and they all got married a few years later.
Twilight Sparkle and Sunburst:
Sunburst had always been an admirer of the Princess of Friendship. He thought it was revolutionary that such bonds could create a new magic source. He wanted to meet her. He never had the chance, until Starlight re-entered his life. Sunburst visited Ponyville not along to chat with Starlight, but to buddy up with Twilight as well. Starlight noticed, but didn’t confront him of it. Sunburst accidentally told Twilight he was crushing on her, which changed Twilight. She ignored him, and was confused on what to do. He started consuming her thoughts, and she couldn’t think straight. She confessed to him, hoping he hadn’t lost those feelings. He didn’t, and they started dating, marrying only a year later.
Applejack and Troubleshoes:
Even after Apple Bloom and her friends showed the real Troubleshoes, Applejack still had her doubts about him. Apple Bloom realized this whenever she talked about him, so she brought Troubleshoes to the farm to make amends. Applejack was rather forced to spend time with Troubleshoes to please her sister. He was a little desperate to please Applejack, which she didn’t like. Then, out of the blue, Troubleshoes asked her out. She declined, and he tried harder. His attempts actually started to work. She asked him out instead, and she started to trust him. But she noticed his loyalty to only her was half and half. She forced him to choose. He chose her, and proposed. The wedding was much earlier since Applejack got pregnant a few months prior to the planned date.
Pinkie Pie and Party Favor:
Pinkie and Party became pen pals after releasing the cutie marks of those in Our Town. They told each other about all the different changes happening, including Party’s secret crush on Sugar Belle. Pinkie was a little hurt, as she had a small crush on him. He revealed that he didn’t get a chance to confess to her, after she started getting stiff competition. Pinkie had to go along with how his relationship started and ended with Night Glider, and how his hopes were fading. Pinkie couldn’t take his negativity any longer. She went to Our Town, and confessed her love. They ended up engaged after two months of dating. He moved to Ponyville to live with Pinkie, and took on the role of a Party Planner like her.
Fluttershy and Discord:
Discord was hurt when Fluttershy married Bulk Biceps. He was confused why she chose him, instead of the “obvious” choice. He parted ways with her, and locked himself away alone from everyone. After five years, he manned up and went back to Ponyville. There he found Fluttershy as a single mother. She revealed that Bulk died of heart complications. Discord wasn’t too bothered by Bulk’s death, but he was bothered by how sad it made Fluttershy. He stuck around her home, comforting Fluttershy and her daughter. Discord took her on dates to distract herself, but it didn’t work. Over time, she felt much better. She proposed to Discord and they got married. For some reason, Discord could never connect with his stepdaughter.
Rainbow Dash and Vapor Trail:
Rainbow started hanging out with Vapor Trail after she became a Wonderbolt. Rainbow always admired Vapor’s devotion to Sky Stinger, which made her a great flier. Vapor and Sky had broken up when she became a Wonderbolt and he never could. Rainbow wasn’t the best at comforting, but she did inspire Vapor that she has to move on. Vapor suddenly had a big crush on her. Vapor couldn’t hide it well. Rainbow asked her about it, and Vapor confessed. They started dating on and off, while never being on bad terms with each other. They eventually got married. Sky congratulated them, and Vapor apologized. The two are now good friends.