Page 10 - Take Me to PonyvilleBy default, Comic Life restricts the comic page to normal US Letter size. I find that to be a perfectly acceptable creative limitation. But since we’ve reached the 10th comic of the series, why not remove the restrictions and stretch a little? I could do something like this every 10 comics.More importantly, I’ve gotten the hang of the comic-making process. I ought to, since this comic has been running for a month now. That’s why I feel like I can change the update schedule to be more frequent.So from now on, Friendship is Dragons updates three times a week: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
Spike: “My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony’s life than studying!”
Twilight Sparkle: Urrgh…
Spike: “So I’m sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year’s location… Ponyville.”
Twilight Sparkle: <sigh> Yes, yes… Here are the rails, I shall follow them.
Rarity: Don’t let it bother you, dear. As railroading goes, this wasn’t the most egregious play I’ve ever seen.
Rarity: More importantly, grumpiness has a way of spreading across a table. Best to let it go.
Twilight Sparkle: Alright, alright.
Spike: “…AND, I have an even more essential task for you to complete. Make some friends!”
Twilight Sparkle: What’s that supposed to mean?
DM: He’s merely reading what’s in the letter…
Spike: C’mon, Twilight! Princess Celestia made you the Official Overseer of the Summer Sun Celebration! Doesn’t that make you happy?
Twilight Sparkle: After learning about a doomsday prophecy nobody believes? Not particularly.
DM: The pegasus chariot comes in for a landing in what appears to be the central plaza of the small, rural town of Ponyville.
DM: You can see many ponies going about their business in the vicinity of city hall. The rest of the town seems to branch out from here, built upon the surrounding hills.
Twilight Sparkle: Finally!
DM: Oh, it wasn’t a very long flight – Canterlot basically overlooks Ponyville. Also, aren’t you forgetting to thank somepony?
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, right. Thank you, sirs.
Pegasus Guard: You’re quite welcome, Miss Sparkle.
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