The purple alicorn went over towards her book and read it. After all the fights, all the nasty scents of blood, her tear stained eyes still fighting the losses of many ponies… She’d heard the best news she’d heard in awhile.
It felt like ages since Twilight had put her hooves on a book. Her emotions and growth spurts just kept coming and she felt as if “that one night was one huge one seven times sealed.”
Dear Princess Twilight,
I’ve got some good news that’ll hopefully cheer you up despite CATACLYSMIC EXE taking out so many ponies.
Flash Sentry is doing better and he has a girlfriend. I hope you’re not mad, but she is very gentle, kind, patient and a bit ditzy… Flash has come to like her and it’d be best not to get too mad because he is happy after all. And he’s not letting himself go like he did earlier when he thought he’d never see you again.
So turns out I had some suspicions about Timber. He is a really great guy, but still… something about him bothers me. He’s seemed a bit tense ever since I called him out for hitting so much on Sci Twi right off the bat. I mean, she’s only 17 and he’s like 20? He’s very gentle and kind, but his sudden interest in her still suspises me. Could you help me out with that when you can?
Your best friend, Sunset
P.S. By the way, I have a surprise for you~
“Huh?” Twilight studied the smaller text, pondering it carefully. Blue sparks came from the mirror and a pony with EPIC bacon hair and a light yellow coat whooshed right out!
In a uncomfortable position, Sunset landed on top of Twilight whose grape purple eyes widened. “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Eeeeeeeeee!”
Twilight hopped up and down like a fangirling little filly while Sunny shot Twily a weird look. Twilight then hopped onto Sunset and gave her a hug. “Uhhhhh….” //>.<//
“Something wrong, Sunset?” Twilight unwrapped her warm welcome hug. “Haven’t you ever heard of a ‘hug’ before?”
“O-of course I have… It’s just that…” Sunset scratched the back of her neck nervously. “I-I’m not a hugger.”
“W-what?!” Twilight asked, shocked.
“I’m not a hugger.” Sunset said, slightly louder.
Blue sparks came out of the mirror and a cloud of pink popped out…
…“C-cotton candy?” Wide eyed, Twilight went up slowly and nervously poked the cotton candy thing sticking out of the mirror as if it were an alien ready to destroy Equestria.
“No, silly. Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie told Twilight.
“Hello!” Pinkie Pie popped behind Sunset.
“Wha-huh? Oh…” Twilight’s face went as red as a tomatoe and Sunset burst out laughing. Both Pinkie Pies laughed along with her.
“That sure is an interesting way to say ‘Welcome home.’” Pinkie No. 1 said.
“I’ll say.” Pinkie No. 2 replied.
“The only interesting thing here is all of us.” Sunset chuckled lightly. “Now come on Twi, we’ve got plans…”