Firstly I need to give a huuuuuge thanks to cause back in October he really came in the clutch for me on that panel 3 AJ pose. I had a good start to it and stuff but damn he gave me a sketch clean up that helped me out a ton to to get that AJ to what it looks like….especially since I never tried a pose like that before. I always said I wanna try always at least one new thing in any of these comics. The panel 2 Dash is a tick off body wise but it’s fine for what it is and same with the other one. Sometimes you just gotta let stuff just flow and roll with it. Honestly though speaking of the background on this comic….holy crap was this a pain in the ass. Like we have the ponyville spa but this is taking it to a level they don’t have in the show and style. I am trying to remember other spa comic I did recently that had a couple of spa images I built a ponyville spa BG with but this one was almost exclusively built as a normal spa you’d see anyone go to. That was a fun challenge but I spent a little longer I remember in October than I planned to on it. I think it was like 4 solid nights of working on the background alone. But that’s what usually happens on backgrounds I never attempted before…especially one like this. I really like how the wonderbolt AJ looks….notice the wing slit I left in there? Hehe gotta have that little bit of detail. Oh and also this isn’t a shipping comic….I don’t do those type of ships as you all know.
Ight guys so that’s all I got on this…I think the comic speaks for most of what I could have said and stuff. So S8 is fast approaching and honestly it’s gonna be an interesting season with me and my usual episode comics I like to do. Since I have seen all the leaked episodes which was like 7 or 8 I believe I will be switching those comics into post EP comics or single pics. It honestly will depend if I can come up with good post episode comics…..more than likely I will but they will be like 2-3 panels at most since those EPs have been out so long people have probably a lot of art loaded up for them. We’ll see…I did the S8 EP 1 comic so that will be in waiting till the end of March. For now guys, onto the next one which I think will be another single pic.