
my worst one yet.  
Do you remember the episode^(23)^ when Starlight glimmer is just trying to enjoy the summer^(7)^ while chrysalis^(13)^ is trying her best^(24)(27)^ to overcome^(10)^ her fear^(9)^ of driving^(2)(10)(22)(26)(21)^ in infuriating^(3)^ traffic to get rarity^(4)^ back to the past^(16)(20)(25)^ while fluttershy is trying to cheer her up^(19)^ and the robot unicorn^(15)^ with väinämöinens hat^(14)^ is standing^(1)^ on the roof trying to eat^(11)^ pizza^(5)^ but failing miserably^(28)^ and spike^(8)^ is hanging^(9)(18)^ on the thread protruding from the trunk chasing^(6)^ Rarity.  
starlight i think you are tripping^(12)^ or do you have some sixth sense^(17)^ that can see extradimensional stuff like that?

safe2257656 artist:frostclaw40 fluttershy273851 queen chrysalis44984 rarity230069 spike96102 starlight glimmer63766 changeling82087 changeling queen42075 dragon114589 pegasus697848 pony1924210 robot11267 unicorn688306 atg 2020936 back to the future450 delorean150 female1709544 heart eyes25745 newbie artist training grounds9320 robot unicorn attack74 väinämöinen2 wingding eyes37662


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