But the following day after the party planner had finally returned to Ponyville, Rarity walked into Sugarcube Corner and was shocked at the state Pinkie was in. Her movements were lethargic and stiff, Her mane hadn’t been washed or groomed in days, her eyes had deep bags under them, and her coat was filthy, matted, and stank of sweat.
Declaring Pinkie to be in no condition to work, Rarity blocked her from coming downstairs and engulfed the mare in her magic as she carried her to the bathroom.
After wrestling the pink pony out of her pajamas, she lowered Pinkie into the hot bath that was ready.
“You’re taking the day off. After the week you had, you deserve it. I’ll see if Applejack is interested in helping the Cakes out today.” Rarity said.