In the episode “Fame and Misfortune”, Rarity overhears two ponies make disparaging about her, driving her to tears and sending her into a nervous breakdown. When Twilight and Starlight visit her at the boutique, she laments that nopony loves her anymore.
This particular scene from the episode put me in mind of the final aria from Puccini’s opera “Manon Lescaut”. In Act 4, the titular heroine has been banished from her homeland and is now lost in a desolate country. As her boyfriend goes off to find help, she laments that she alone and abandoned. As such, I felt that this song was fitting for Rarity’s despair in “Fame and Misfortune”.
Here are the lyrics.
Sola, perduta, abbandonata…
in landa desolata!
Orror! Intorno a me s’oscura il ciel…
Ahimè, son sola!
E nel profondo deserto io cado,
strazio crudel, ah! sola abbandonata,
io, la deserta donna!
Ah! non voglio morir!
No! non voglio morir!
Tutto dunque è finito.
Terra di pace me sembrava questa…
Ahi! Mia beltà funesta,
ire novelle accende…
Strappar da lui mi si volea; or tutto
il mio passato orribile risorge,
e vivo innanzi al guardo mio si posa.
Ah! di sangue s’è macchiato.
Ah! tutto è finito.
Asil di pace ora la tomba invoco…
No! non voglio morir… amore, aita!
Lonely forsaken and abandoned
All my hope then is over.
And in the heart of this desert
I’m dying. O wretched hapless woman!
I sought this region as a peaceful haven.
Ah! Through my fatal beauty
Torments afresh surround me
They would have severed me from him;
Mow all my past does haunt me
With fearful pangs of anguish,
And rises straight before
My eyes to rend me.
New dangers come to threaten
Only the tomb can release me from my burden.
No! Let me not die dearest help me!