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Well, after a month of idleness, and about a week of skill refinement, exploring and learning with different tools, studying various figures and facial styles, and sketching for long periods of time, this is the fruits of my labor.
I decided for the subjects of this piece, I would use Fluttershy and Susan Strong, my two favorite females from my two favorite cartoons, all nice and bulked out. While its true that I have a habit of making Fluttershy the biggest (in terms of bulk and bust size) out of the mane six, as you can see, she still cant hold a candle to Susan Strong, arguably my favorite cartoon muscle girl. Despite that though, it seems like the two are at least getting along, if not admiring each others assets (Fluttershy still has a bigger rack out of the two as it seems).
Anyways, I feel like I improved and I am happy with where I am at with my art at the moment, expect more pictures of this quality in the future!


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