Hello, my dear daughter…
I’m ashemed but I forgot to upload this for weeksOkay, soooo there’s a bit of a head-canon with this one and it’s connected to the ‘What Lies Beneath’ episode.In it we saw Ocellus fear was that changelings can’t change. But what I found interesting that in this illusion she had the form of Crysalis…soooo, why was’t she simple in her old, pre-metamorphed form? And from there my head-canon formed. Simple what if Ocellus have a stonger connection to Crysalis.So basically, while technically every changeling are the off-springs of Crysalis, they are not her, well, “children”. They are just drones, in serve of the hive. But there’s a point the hive can’t extend anymore and sub hives needs to be made. And these hives needs their own ruler. Like a “princess”. Stronger than the drones, but not as much as the queen.And one of these “princess” was Ocellus. She born just a few years before Crysalis plan to take over Equestria. She was so sure of her success she needed to preaper to have a heir, but off course her plan failed. So for Ocellus, Crysalis really is a mother like figure hence why part of her fear, not just that she and changeling can’t change, but she will be like Crysalis when she’s older.Or so in my head-canon😉
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