“HELP! HELP!” cries the beautiful damsel in distress as she is dragged up a labyrinth of structural beams by Fido Kong, a leader of the ominous and diabolical Diamond Dogs. “GROWL. GROWL.” The maiden is a unicorn mare named Rarity, who, in her pure white coat screams for help from the beast that lay ahead of her. “HELP! HELP!” is what somebody might hear. And yes, in fact, somebody DID hear her, none other than the brave baby dragon Spike. The frightening music warns him of the perils that lie ahead of him, as well as the evil Fido Kong.
Despite the height of the structure and all of the dangers that lie ahead, Spike tries desperately to climb the mighty fortress of steel, to save the lovely lady from the evil Diamond Dog Fido Kong. Spike must dodge all manner of obstacles–balls of flaming nova, beams of steel that plummet down and a barrage of exploding barrels fired at him by Fido Kong himself. Amidst the beautiful filly’s constant plea for help, your challenge is to maneuver Spike up the steel structure, while helping him to avoid the rapid-fire succession of hazards that come his way.
As Spike gallantly battles his way up the barriers, he is taunted and teased by Fido Kong just as a bully, who brazenly struts back and forth, beating his chest in joyful exuberance at the prospect of having the beautiful maiden all to himself and also to the fact that he is mocking Spike. It is your job to get Spike to the top. For it is there, and only there, that he can show his vengeance on the evil FK, sending him to his mortal doom. And as in all great tales, Fido Kong is beaten, possibly seeking revenge another time, but leaving the bold and brave Spike and the beautiful maiden to live happily ever after. “SIGH. SIGH.”