Collection cards of mane7!!
In this convention. I work as artist staff. My duty is draw and design 7 cards of Mane6(+Sunset Shimmer). It’s collection card that made and print with high-quality paper. Not for sell but for souvenir. Everyone will get this cards by join any activity in our convention.
Twilight Sparkle : Get convention ticket at “Ticket Booth”
Sunset Shimmer : Drawing pony art at “Draw&Paint Booth” [I’m working here]
Applejack : Taking a photo with one of mane7 standy at “Standy Zone”
Fluttershy : Painting pony art at “Draw&Paint Booth”
Rarity : Playing shipping card game at “Twilight Sparkle’s Secret Shipfic Folder Booth” (Or drawing shipping art at “Draw&Paint booth”)
Pinkie Pie : Buy Cupcake and Apple Cider at “Food Booth” or get it from stage’s activity
Rainbow Dash : Playing pony computer games at “Game Zone”
We done. We finally done!! Yeah!! Our convention is really success!!!
//Take a long rest after a long day….