
Admitting your mistakes is the first step in fixing them.

safe2259809 edit171874 queen chrysalis45023 changeling82173 changeling queen42120 alternate ending663 alternate scenario478 begging1302 crying56902 cute262796 cutealis2322 dialogue99786 female1711638 folded wings17877 former queen chrysalis348 frown36440 good end624 redemption231 reformed393 regret377 sad31460 simple background625150 solo1531177 teary eyes6933 text96059 vector90873 vector edit4660 what if322 white background192398


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Finn Mertens
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Artist -

I’m human! So what?
Of course Chrissy! I know you have some good in you. But if she DID get reformed. Then I think it would be best to just reform her from being evil. But not reform her legitimately like they did with the rest of the Changelings. Chrysalis just looks way better in this form.