Rumble: No! Don’t you dare touch her! I will not allow this, y-you p-parasites!
Flitter: Rumble, what in Equestria are you doing?! Save yourself! Fly! Now!
Rumble: I can’t just leave you, Flitter! I’m gonna take down these bugs. Just one hit!
Chrysalis: Mwahahahaha! What a lovely but absolutely ridiculous plans. You’re a brave little colt, but you are also foolish. You are already surrounded by my minions. By ‘‘one hit’’ you can swat a fly at the very most! Bwahahahaha!
Rumble quickly flew and landed at the nearby cloud and said:
Rumble: I was talking about this kind of hit.
He stamped the cloud with his front hoof. Then a loud and powerful lightning bolt have striked out of it, blasting away Queen Chrysalis and her changelings, while Flitter remained on the ground completely unharmed.
The End.
Image by me and Story by LunaticDawn