After yet another round of attempted mayhem in Equrstria, it quickly became apparent that the authorities had become far more experienced at dealing with her; she was quickly subdued and incarcerated..
Due to her unusual dietary needs, special arrangements were needed to keep her nourished during her term of confinement..
Selflessly, the royal sisters themselves volunteered to shoulder this task.
A special feeding visitation schedule would be established!
Though the sisters were far from defenseless, special apparati were required to safely engage in this delicate task. Protective leather garments, long range instruments for interaction at a distance.. sexy boots..
And while it may be said that no one really likes being incarcerated, it seems like Chryssi may be proving an exception to the rule!
With flagrant acts of disobedience that only serve to lengthen her sentence, it seems like this totally non-conjugal feeding visit arrangement will have to continue for a while.