From left to right:
Beetle Beat’s mother is Caramel Swallowtail. She’s a true social butterfly, being outspoken and welcoming to most, though she prefers being called by her last name. She’s also in charge of an insect sanctuary where Beetle Beat grew up.
Lightning Stripe’s mother is Forecast, a single mother who’s passion lies in storm chasing and the study of weather. She lives far outside of Ponyville with Lightning, though she finds balancing work and family difficult.
Sugar Mint is Misty Mint’s bubbly and happy-go-lucky mother. She’s very active in supporting her daughters and their business and will usually keep spirits high with a big hug.
Everstar’s mother is Moonlight Dream. Moonlight has a laid-back demeanor to her and can often be found sleeping during the day. She’s most attentive at night, when she can observe the night sky.
And finally, Flowerlocks’ mother is Petunia Bloom; a key figure in her family’s floristry business and extremely protective of her daughter. She is not aware of Flowerlocks’ alchemical ambitions, however.