It been a years now since I’m start to draw MLP fanarts. And now this year going to end soon. So I want to make some big project again. The last year I made a PMV with the name
“[PMV] Servant of Queen : Chrysalis Another Story “
ANd this year, I’m going to make PMV again. The name of this PMV is “[PMV] When I am a pony : Chrysalis Another Story “. It have no connection with my last PMV. But this PMV is still about Queen Chrysalis. My favorite queen.
I got an inspiration from this => MV
Who the original of it is this song =>
The problem is….Just like my last PMV. I write a new lyrics for this PMV too. But this time it’s English song…So I want to ask you about the music that I will put in this PMV.
Should I use instrumental version ( );
or Vocal version ( );
But if I use vocal ver. It will really annoy you because the lyrics don’t matching the vocal. And I don’t think I can find any good female singer to sing this song for me…Please answer in comment, please. (Maybe I should make a poll)