Rainbow Dash and Cheese Sandwich usually live separate due their jobs. At the very beggining of their life together, Dashie felt kinda guilty about how little time she spends with her partner, and even considered quiting her Wonderbolt career, however Cheese convinced her to stay. He know important it was to his wife, and he didn’t want to take it away from her. When they found out that Dashie is pregnant, he moved to Ponyville and helped Pinkie with her party business.
Sunny and Puffy lives with their father when Stormy lives in Cloudsdale and work in weather factory. Storms and rain are her speciality. She would really love to become racer, but she’s afraid of tooking all her mother’s attention by this (wich is stupid of course). For now she’s ok~
In Pikoverse Cheese and Pinkie Pie used to be in relationship for a while. They broke up due their to big similarity but stayed good friends. Rainbow was suuuuuper awkward after realizing her feelings to Cheese. She ended up matched with him by Pinkie and with help of AppleJack they finally started dating.
-Rainbow and Cheese are trying to spend time together as much it’s possible. As you can see in the picture Dashie’s familly supports her… a lot.
When Cheese needs a spell to walk on clouds, Cloudy can do it naturally.