I dont get it.
I get it if you dont like a character; even for all I go on about how I love the show I can see the flaws in the characters, and sometimes when they go against their element it can be frustrating rather than just being a good episode to show they have other sidesand then there are some other traits people wont like.
Pinkie Pie coming across as annoying, Rarity more than constantly defying her element more than pretty much anyone of the show, Rainbow Dash beingRainbow Dash, and I can get if you just really dont like the character but
Hating it? To the ultimate point where you actually make a concentrated effort to hate it? Where you actually go on to make entire groups and such?
I do get fans doing the same becausethey actually like it, so of course they would dedicate their time to something they really like. But dedicating time to something you absolutely cannot stand?
maybe because I just never truly hated anything, I dont get why people would put true effort. I mean, I dont like a lot of popular things: Adventure Time, Homestuck, Moulin Rouge, that goddamned Spiderwick movie that ripped apart the good books, I dont hate them enough to put that much effort into it. Why would I want to solely concentrate on something Im not a fan of?
Rant over for this one.