Scootaloo had definitely changed the most in the ten years of living in Manehattan.
Soarin instantly gasped upon looking at her attire.
“What in the name of Equestria are you wearing?!” he bellowed, storming up to his sister-in-law. Scootaloo scoffed, flipping her mane in a way that it would spray all over Soarin’s face.
“It’s called an outfit. And if you had an ounce of sense in you, you’d go to work wearing something darling like me!” she said, flaunting her way to the breakfast table. Soarin gasped.
“Don’t use that tone with me!” he said in a harsh whisper.
Rainbow Dash and Lilian couldn’t hold back their laughs as they doubled over, clutching their sides. Stronghold smiled widely at Scootaloo as the took a piece of perfectly cooked toast from the toaster.
“Good morning, Aunty!” he said happily, biting into his muffin. Scootaloo snapped her head in her nephew’s direction, shooting him a glare.
“Good morning to you too, Stronghold. I see you’re keeping up that attitude and diet well. Oh and, don’t call me Aunty,” she reminded him for the thousandth time.