Chrysalis and the Changelings have dominated most of West Equestria, having established their Kingdom in what’s left of Van Hoover.
Nightmare Moon and her Night Guard & Shadowbolts rule most of South Equestria from the Everfree Forest.
Sombra holds the most control, having completely dominated North Equestria thanks to his Crystal Slaves & Umbrum Forces.
While Celestia is still in control of Canterlot and a few major cities such as Cloudsdale, Manehattan, and a small portion of Ponyville, the Royal Guard and Wonderbolts are just barely holding off the opposing forces with several smaller areas being decimated in the crossfire.
Realizing that that things aren’t as they should be, Starlight starts desperately searching for a way to make things right again… and soon comes to the painful conclusion that the only way is to gather the element bearers once more. Sadly this is easier said than done as the alternate future has changed them drastically:
Pinkie and Fluttershy work with Zecora’s resistance in the depths of the Whitetale Woods and the Smoky Mountains.
Rainbow is part of the Wonderbolts under Celestia’s leadership in Canterlot.
Rarity works for NM’s kingdom in Everfree, acting as both designer for her Guard’s armor & secret assassin, as well as the only one who can tame NM’s pet dragon; Spike.
AJ works in the factory with Sweet Apple Acres now under the ownership of FlimFlam Inc. in the now-industrialized Ponyville.
Twilight is part of the same organization as Bonbon was and was last seen pursuing Tirek into the Ashlands, but has not been heard from since…
Can Starlight reunite the group she once called her enemies and set things right? Or will Equestria fall to ruin because of her own selfishness?
(Pinkie and Fluttershy’s vectors are from osipush’s “Ponies of Flight and Magic” series)