This is a big piece that I’ve been working on between commissions.
It came to me through various inspirations of three different warriors or heroes getting stuck together to fight a big battle or go on some epic adventure. Despite their differences in style and appearance, as they fight together, they stumble together.
After watching much of Hasbro’s best content, I decided to have this A-Team consist of the hardest, toughest, most looked over badass characters from the different franchises. And here they are teleported to a world where a ceaseless battle takes place between armies from every universe. Brought there by a mysterious power to help sway the tide of war for the forces of good.
Snake Eyes, the ninja commando of the G.I Joe covert force.
Arcee, the stealth team leader of the Autobots.
And even Princess Luna, the co ruling alicorn of Equestria and guardian of the night.
Two of my inspirations for this were actually video game trailers for Warhammer Last Stand and Mass Effect 2. Check those out to get a better idea for this concept.
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