
A gift to my driving school teacher(as I said in the title).
Almost all the characters in this pic represents him and his characteristics.
Spitfire represents people that took lot of influences and knowledges in their lifes. These people whom learnt all the things they had to learn, all the things they had did in their lifes needed to be shared. Needed to be passed ahead to their apprentices, students. People whom are like… Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash. She represents those students that want to be noticed by important people in their lifes. Can be by their idols, their heroes or their own parents. All days, all weeks, all months, all years, learning and practicing everything must know to became a doctor, a master in your professional area. And most important: to got respect from those you respected all your life; which they did the same whole thing in their lifes in the past. These people whom are… Spitfire.
That’s why Spitfire and Rainbow Dash look to each other in a wild way. Spitfire is giving a test… and Rainbow Dash is taking it.
Derpy Hooves represents the people who my teacher helped in his life. Before being a driving school teacher, he helped childrens and people with physical and mental disabilities in an ONG(Organizao No-Governamental or Non-Governmental Organization). He took care with childrens with Down syndrome, no vision, no motion, a good teacher and responsable person.
Fluttershy represents that people are very shy in the classroom. Whom don’t talk very loud, don’t want to get closer with the other classmates and always tries to avoid any kind of relationships. He always brings those with talk and conversation to have fun with your classmates and to lose your shy, to be a better person, to have more open mind.
The Sky represents the pegasus’ world as like it was our own world, the Earth. The Sky have all types of pegasus, with your own qualities and defects, your own characteristics that makes you being unique in the whole sky. There are fat pegasus, thin pegasus, multicolor pegasus, from all sizes and forms like Thunderlane and Blossom Fourth(in the picture). Even different types of pegasus like… Derpy.
The mysterious characters in the baloom are special. Represents two close people which are fall in love with each other. They already get married and are having fun with a nice traveling in the baloom, spending a beautiful time together to watch a wonderful sky in the afternoon. Two loved people whom are watching a great picture of drawing.  
“Recm-casados”, from Portuguese, means “Newlyweds” in English.


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