Luna received as times such
A couple of days before, the Princess came across a strange, unlike anything previously encountered, dream. A nightmare, to be exact.
Above the little town a few white streaks crept across the sky. There was something terrible about them, and if they touched the ground, something terrible would happen.
Luna quickly found caught in the grip of a nightmare. The strange, hornless and bald minotaur is firmly tied in the fabric of sleep, painfully trying to escape from approaching objects from the sky and not moving a step.
In one stroke of a wing, the lady of Dreams cleared the dream of the strange creature, replacing the town and the terrible streaks in the sky with a summer sunset over the endless meadows. The stranger stared at her for a moment before sinking into the colorfull waves of normal sleep.
Luna would have forgotten about the strange meeting, if not sent after some time, the portrait. The unknown master was able to accurately convey the image in which she appeared before him in a dream. He thanked for help and inspiration and wished for quiet nights.
For sale, 50$, shipment incuded. Contact me here, or on my etsy shop
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