Page 526 - Tug of DoorThere wasn’t a session last weekend, so no Fallout is Dragons today.When it comes to physical disputes between players (“football tackles”), I have a soft rule of one skill check per player, or one exchange of skill checks. Otherwise, passionate enough players will never stop finding a new action to take, a new attempt to make, especially if it involves “stopping them from doing something stupid.”
Twilight Sparkle: I go in, and I calmly explain that Princess Luna isn’t mad at anypony and that she just wants a little help.
Fluttershy: Well… Um… Okay. I guess I trust you, Twilight.
Twilight Sparkle: We’re also kind of on a clock, so… I push her outside to speed things up.
Fluttershy: W-Wait…!
Twilight Sparkle: Luna, this is Fluttershy.
Princess Luna: CHARMED.
Fluttershy: I… I can’t! I’m going back inside.
Twilight Sparkle: No you don’t. Arcana to TK her back here! <roll>
DM: Uh, Fluttershy can make an opposing check to escape if you want. Holding a pony with unicorn magic is fairly difficult, so it would be simple to…
Fluttershy: N-No, no, it’s okay. I’ll go quietly.
Twilight Sparkle: That’s all we wanted in the first place!
Princess Luna: How did you ponies defeat us again…?
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