Page 518 - Script RevisionTabletop roleplaying can be as much direct collaboration as it is simulation or even competition. There are times where getting a pivotal story moment right depends on player resources and DM resources - normally mutually exclusive - being utilized in tandem. The unscripted play and improvisation is much more interesting, but sometimes you need to set something up in advance. Just sometimes.
Princess Luna: <ahem> “We won’t even bother with the traditional royal farewell!” And then Luna just storms off.
Twilight Sparkle: Well, THAT went beautifully.
DM: …Twilight muttered sarcastically.
Twilight Sparkle: Har de har. So let me get this straight: In order to make sure Equestria’s Princess of the Night isn’t traumatized by her own return, we’ve gotta reconcile an immortal alicorn 1000 years out of time with the holiday spawned from the worst part of her legend.
Princess Luna: …Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Applejack: Hmm. Ain’t like you to “take a dive” on a social encounter like that…
Princess Luna: Oh, we planned that scene well in advance.
DM: Yep. But just up to that point. Only to set the stage. What happens next is all up to roleplaying.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh joy, my specialty…
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