He should’ve known better than to be so buoyant. So…stupid. How could he tell his mother? How could he tell anyone? Could he even manage? Velvet shifted in his sheets and stayed underneath the covers, the only sound in the room being his echoed sobs. The echoed sobs which had lasted months.
Velvet couldn’t bring himself to eat dinner that night. He could barely bring himself to eat at all since…the discovery. His mother and aunt watched him with concerned stares. They had caught on long ago that something was wrong, and questioned him, but he just gave them thoughtless answers.
But more importantly…Moonstone saw. She knew. Velvet sat up in his chair at the thought of her. He had been so obsessed with his foolish dreams that it never truly occurred to him just how kind she was. Through thick and thin, she was there. Countless sleepless nights were spent with the mare. Through all his empty hope, she stayed by his side. A soft smile grew on his face in realization. He stepped up from his spot at the table, mind set on his room, with a new mission in mind.
“Velvet Luminous Shade.” Velvet froze at hearing his aunt’s harsh tone. Apparently she had followed him down the hall. He turned towards her with a forced smile.
“O-Oh. Hi, Aunt Luna.” He spoke softly. Luna gazed down at him with judgement that quickly turned to concern.
“Why have you been upset these past few moons? I have sensed distress, and have not seen many dreams from yourself.”
Velvet looked down. He hadn’t been sleeping much…he usually only slept when he became exhausted from crying so much.
“I-I’m not, but…I think you can help me actually.”
“Oh? What is it, dear nephew?”
Velvet swallowed the sudden anxiety building up inside. “W-well, I…I’ve recently realized that I have…um…certain…feelings…for Moonstone. Perhaps you could give me some advice on how I could tell her?”
There was silence for a moment as Luna stood in apparent shock…right before she burst out in laughter.
“You are Moonstone’s best friend! You know how to speak to the young mare, fear not. Do not be scared of a crush, child.”
“Aunt Luna, that’s not what I’m saying!” Velvet yelled.
Luna cleared her throat. “Then what is it, child?”
“Well…I…it’s not just a crush. Almost as long as I remember, Moonstone has always been there. She has always supported me in my goals and dreams. I’ve been a blind fool, Aunt Luna. I really like her. And…I know she feels the same way but I was too…caught up in my own journey to even realize how much she’s done for me.” A warm blush came over his face as he grinned up at Luna. “I love her.”
“There has been a thought on my mind for a long time, Velvet Shade. She has more than excelled in her studies and has proven to be a good, morally correct mare. Her heart will not turn to darkness as it is filled with kindness and loyalty. But I am more than aware that she gifts that kindness and loyalty to you. I wish to grant her the title of princess for her merits. I wish to offer her that, but there’s another way she can become a princess.” Velvet blushed harder in realization. Luna’s smile only widened.
“But Velvet, you need to answer me truthfully.” She closed her eyes as she rested a hoof on Velvet’s shoulder. “Are you ready to spend your life with this mare? To be with her through everything, good and bad. To be loyal and kind. And you ready to love her?”
“More than ready, Aunt Luna. She’s done that and so much more for me. I don’t just love her, I need her.”
Luna smiled, nodding her head.
“Then you’d best go get a ring.”
Velvet walked beside Moonstone with an air of both excitement and apprehension.
“Why aren’t you telling me what we’re doing?” She questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“I told you, Moony. It’s a surprise.”
“It’s the Canterlot Garden. And it’s not open. We’re alone.” She stopped, pulling at his leg, looking at him with her big, round…beautiful eyes. “You can tell me, Vel. It doesn’t matter what it is, I’m here for you.”
Gosh, he loved this mare.
“Oh, I know.” Suddenly, both ponies turned to find Princess Luna walking up to them.
“Good afternoon, Moonstone.”
“Princess?” Moonstone’s voiced raised a few pitches in even more confusion. “Seriously. What is going on?”
Luna smiled, walking up beside Velvet and flashing him a wink.
“Moonstone, you have succeeded above the stars and beyond in your studies, but I wish to give you something. Your time of being my student has ended; there is no more I can offer you that you cannot obtain yourself. It is time for you to carve your own path. So, I wish to give you something. A crown. I want to make you a princess of Equestria. Only with your agreement, of course.”
“Princess, I…” Moonstone began, but Velvet Shade stepped forward with a smile.
“Velvet?” She whispered.
“Moonstone, you’ve given me so much support in my dreams. You’ve been nothing but kind to me and generous with your loyalty. You’ve been honest out of concern and hope and made me laugh for days. You make my life magical. Through our friendship, I’ve learned what it takes to be a stallion. But…I want to be more.” Velvet reached behind him, and Moonstone’s breath stooped. “Marry me, and become my princess. I love you, Moony.”
Princess Luna held out the crown as Velvet presented the ring. Two of the most important ponies in her life offering her something she wouldn’t have dreamed of having as a filly. Moonstone was overwhelmed with emotion.