Community Collab Image 2024 This year's collab has begun! Post your submissions here


This took me like a week of suffering but it worth it I guess. Frankly, I wanted to do this right after “Repentance” but something didn’t work out oops.  
Anyhoo, starting from left to right
Queen Celestia  
Once, long, long ago, there lived a unicorn whose beauty was such that suitors came from all corners of the land to ask for her hoof in marriage. So beautiful was this mare that she even captured the attention of the gods, who would gaze upon her from their home on Mount Olympus. Only one would dare descend to see her, however; Helios, the God of the Sun, broke the celestial rule against liaising with mortals to behold her beauty in person.

The ponies lived in a state of distrust and disarray, the three tribes fighting amongst each other and amongst themselves. Many were short of food whilst others had more than they could eat, and the unicorns abused their magic to keep themselves in power. Rules and laws were unfair and ever-changing, and it saddened both the God and his daughter to see.
They christened her Celestia, and she was doted upon by all, but she was curious about her mortal heritage and longed to explore the land her mother came from. Against the advice of the elders, but with their blessing nonetheless, Helios disguised them both and accompanied Celestia to the land of Equestria. It was just as he’d remembered it; a beautiful land full of wonders, but inhabited by some of the most rude and unorganised creatures he’d ever met.
That night, back on Olympus, Helios lamented to his daughter that, if only the ponies had a proper ruler,a true and fair king or queen, their kingdom could be magnificent and plentiful. There would be food for all, jobs enough for everyone, and a calm and peace that would ease their suffering. But finding such a mortal would be hard, almost impossible even, and the chances of them staying as such throughout their life would be slim. And, once that ruler died, who was to say the next in line would be the same? What was there in place to stop power from falling into the hooves of a tyrant?
To Helios, that ponies would ever find a suitable ruler was an impossibility, but to young Celestia, the answer was obvious; if no mortal would ever be good enough and fair enough to rule, then why not a god? They possessed the foresight and knowledge to be able to rule justly and purely, they had the power to protect the kingdom from outside threats, and they were neither one race or another, which would help unite the tribes and prevent infighting. Didn’t they owe it to the ponies to use their divinity for good? To rule over them and ensure they prosper and grow?
After some consideration, the Sun God soon came around to his daughter’s idea, and the two began to make plans on how they would reveal themselves to the ponies, and how they themselves would rise to power. There was just one problem; liaising with and influencing mortals was still forbade, the higher gods would never allow for it.
Helios asked the elders for permission to leave Olympus to rule over the realm of mortals, but was twice denied. He begged and pleaded, but the elders stood firm; the rule was not to be broken, the mortals must be allowed to find their own way. It was only when Celestia, still young, but wise beyond her years, made her own plea, that they finally relented.
Preparations were made, then the two descended once more, this time for good, as the elders had made it clear that, should they leave, they would not be permitted to return. When they revealed themselves to the ponies, many were frightened, and some thought they were being invaded, but the pair soon put their minds at rest. Before long, they were instated as the reigning monarchs, despite the protests of the unicorns that had ruled before them. Helios took the title of King, and Celestia that of Princess and, for the first time in several ages, harmony fell over the land.
Helios ruled for many years, with Celestia at his side. Equestria had never been so prosperous, and its citizens had never been so content. All things were in harmony; the earth ponies grew the food for the land, the pegasi managed the weather, and the unicorns became masters of specialised magical trades. Friendships formed and flourished, and foals of all three tribes played together peacefully.
Most prosperous of all was the capital city, which had spring up around the Solar Castle in which the monarchs resided; the markets were well stocked and equally well attended, tradesponies could be found on every corner, and many found jobs as castle guards. Those who stood watch during the day donned brilliant gold armour, and those of the night adorned themselves in dark silver. In truth, no real guards were needed; the two Gods were perfectly capable of handling any threat that dared face the land, but the guards were a welcome help nonetheless, and they took their duties seriously.
None, however, took their duties more seriously than the bat pony captain of the lunar guard, Super Nova. She was a brilliant fighter, and never once let herself be anything less than perfect at her job. Every recruit that passed under her tutillege went on to do great things, and there was no thief or would-be assassin that could get past her watch.
Helios, who often oversaw the training of new guards, found that watching Super Nova fight was like watching a work of art; her movements were sharp, yet fluid, graceful and deadly all at once. Soon, the god found himself watching the guards train more often, and soon he came only to see his lunar captain.
Their courtship began slowly, but soon blossomed into something beautiful and brilliant. They were married under a harvest moon, and Super Nova took on the role of Queen alongside her duties as captain of the lunar guard. Celestia adored her new mother, and the two spent much time together when Helios was busy, reading or practicing self-defence. The bat pony took almost no time in becoming a fully-fledged member of the family, she fit so well with the two celestial beings. A few months after their marriage, and with Super Nova’s permission, Helios summoned all of his power and turned his wife into an alicorn, granting her the strength of an earth pony and the horn of a unicorn, so that not even time would be able to part them.

A year later, a foal was born to the couple, a little alicorn filly with a coat as dark and beautiful as the night and a mane that the stars themselves came to rest in. They named her Luna, and she brought great joy to the lives of all three, lighting up their hearts as the moon lights the night. Her parents adored her, giving her all the love they could and lavising her with gifts and attention. Celestia, too, was enamoured with her new sister, and vowed to teach her how to be a good and proper princess.
And she did; the two sisters were almost inseparable, the infant princess trailing around after the other pony wherever she went, and the elder of the two insisting she help raise Luna. The blue alicorn grew up happy and loved, receiving the best of education and being trained to defend herself to the point where she would one day surpass her own mother. She wanted for nothing, and the kingdom happiness at her birth lasted for many years, the land flourishing better than ever.
But the times of peace were not to last; when Luna was but 7 summers old, Princess Mi Primo Amore I, heir to the Crystal Empire of the frozen north appeared at the gates of the Solar Castle, clutching the light of the empire, the Crystal Heart, to her chest. No one was quite sure how it was the young unicorn, who only seen 11 summers herself, had come to survive the treacherous journey alone, but she stood before them nonetheless.
She told the gods, through choked bsobs and a waterfall of tears, how the Empire had been taken, its citizens enslaved, and killed if they dared resist. She told them of the terrible ponies with impenetrable armour and no mercy, and of how those same ponies had killed Princess Estrella, Amore’s aunt, and ruler of the Crystal Empire, in front of the foal’s very eyes. In the chaos of the battle, the unicorn had been able to steal the treasure of her people and flee.

The empire had been plunged into a snowstorm the moment Amore removed the heart from its pedestal, but it was the only way to keep its power out of the hands of the evil that now sat upon the throne. Under the cover of the storm, Amore was able to escape, the heart providing her with protection as she crossed the frozen wasteland that separated the empire from the rest of Equestria.
The royal family were shocked at Amore’s tale; the Crystal Empire had been renowned for its strength and defences, for it to have fallen was almost unthinkable. For such an attack to have succeeded, the enemy must have been supremely powerful and incredibly skilled. Such an adversary may even pose a threat to the gods and Equestria.
The next day, Helios, Super Nova at his side and at the head of a contingent of guards, began the march on the empire. Amore was left in the charge of Celestia, as was the young Princess Luna, and the three were promised that the Empire would be saved, its citizens freed, and the invaders brought to justice. The family parted with many tears, but all were safe in the knowledge that they would see eachother again soon.
Helios sent his daughters letters every evening to tell them of the march and the things they had seen and discovered on their journey. He told them of brilliant lakes and stunning valleys, but his letters stopped once the fighting began.


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