What do you like about Twi? she flirt you? Who asked who? Do you think living together? Are you going to get married? When? Where? Can I be the minister? Have you had sex alredy? Do you need advice? Want books of erotic positions? Do you need toys?
Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!
Flash: ………
Twilight: Oh my sweet Celestial! Cadence shut up! Flash is my special pony since just four days and we’ve only kissed once!
Cadence knew from the moment she saw the glow in Twilight’s eyes when mentioning a certain stallion, it was not just admiration.
And she knew that the new nervousness and blush of Flash before the purple mare had nothing to do with his title.
The princess of love knew that these two must be together, and no matter what others said, or the stubborn of her husband, or the snobby ponies of high society, Flash and Twi deserved to be together and be happy. And nopony and I say NOPONY would stop her.
She is a very supportive Flashlight shipper.