Upon arriving at their parent’s house, they spent the next several hours reliving so many of the activities they took part in as foals. They read many of their foalhood books to each other as they own a variety of both educational and fictional reading material. They also used their parent’s telescope to observe the night sky and pinned many notes on the wall recording their scientific observations. Given that Night Light and Twilight Velvet have moons and stars for cutie marks respectively, I like to think they share a love for astronomy and they passed down their passion to their son and daughter. When they got hungry, they decided to order two large pizzas from their local Pizza Hoof and picked up some donuts from Donut Joe’s bakery. When they got tired of books and studying, they switched to entertainment by playing their foalhood video games. From the looks of it, they’ve played the original Star Pony on the Super Neightendo and as for their Pony NeighStation, they played Spyro the Dragon and the Crash Bandipony games.
After many hours of having fun together, Twilight and Shining decided to just sit on their windowsill and enjoy the breathtaking views of Canterlot and the vast night skies. While enjoying the scenery, they were peacefully talking about their many foalhood memories and simply enjoying one another’s company. By this point, it was well into the night and the two siblings began to doze off with Twilight’s head comfortably nestled in her big brother’s warm and fluffy chest. Moments like this make her realize just how much she dearly missed spending time with her brother and how important it is to treasure special times with the ones she loves.
Man, this project was quite the endurance round. It took me over 45 hours to complete and it was drawn over a period of just 6 days averaging over 7 hours each day! This project was also quite a challenge in terms of lighting and detail. I wanted to show a lot of detail on the screen without overwhelming the viewer as I wanted the characters to be the primary focal point. I also wanted to make it appear very dark given that it’s nighttime but not too dark to where you can’t see the details and these elements were very hard to balance. However, I’m quite happy with how it turned out and I hope others will feel the same way.