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The creation of King Speedy Hooves has always been a little bit confusing and I understand as to why it is such. The first comic i did with goattrain was a rather roughly incomplete (and overpriced) mess that only showed 4 pages showing the same thing. Suffice to say that should have been the last time I commissioned that ego-maniac of an artist.
Anyways, here is a much more improved reversion of the same event, now portrayed as a flashback within our fusion stallions mind replaying how it all went down. Much more illustrated and improved by the awesome and far superior chedx :iconchedx:
Thx mate!!
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safe2259064 artist:chedx528 big macintosh35598 shining armor29890 oc997875 oc:home defence52 earth pony630238 pony1925468 unicorn688833 comic:the fusion flashback48 butt135541 comic132571 commissioner:bigonionbean2547 flank2325 forced1656 fuse145 fused101 fusion7413 fusion:home defence54 magic98576 merging347 plot117476 potion3036 swelling415 writer:bigonionbean2224


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