-Twilight was trying out some spells that weren’t out of her reach anymore since she became a princess. Rarity and Rainbow had already allowed her to cast an advanced spell that temporarily swaps two ponies races for a few hours.
As she went through the library’s spellbooks to find others she could try, Twilight happened upon a spell she hadn’t seen before. It was a remarkably basic spell, but its wording was what confused the young princess as all Twilight could determine was that the spell ‘cooled ponies off’ somehow.
Curiosity getting the better of her, she casts it. Twilight had to admit that she did feel cooler, but she didn’t know why. But upon hearing an ear-splitting scream from Spike, Rainbow struggling to hold back laughter, and Rarity blushing as red as Big Mac’s coat while trying to preserve any of her poor assistant’s innocence that was left, the young alicorn quickly began to realize that spell may not have worked as she thought it would.