Instead I’ll be uploading Friendship is Dragons. All 250+ pages of it. Joy.
Page 1 - Lacking in DungeonsAnd so it begins! If you’ve ever read Shamus Young’s DM of the Rings or the Comic Irregulars’ Darths and Droids, you know what’s going on. For the rest of you: If you like D&D, you should do yourselves a favor and check those comics out.In the aforementioned comics, the creators treat the source material as a fantasy campaign, complete with insufferable players and suffering Dungeon Masters. Hilarity and satire ensue.Now here I am to give this an honest try… but with ponies.
DM: Everyone ready? <ahem>
DM: Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria…
Rainbow Dash: Woah, woah, woah. Really? You’re gonna get all ‘storybook’ on us?
DM: What, you have a problem with the classics?
Rainbow Dash: So far, I have a problem with this campaign being lame.
Rarity: Be a little sensitive. It’s a brand new, custom setting.
Rainbow Dash: But it’s all ponies. Cute, girly ponies. Nothing awesome can ever come out of ponies.
DM: As I was SAYING…