Page 457 - To Cast a ShadowIt’s a bit of a knee-jerk reaction, but there’s something uniquely irritating about being shown up by a brand new character many sessions into a campaign.
DM: Your older brother, Shining Armor…
Twilight Sparkle: Shining Armor? What kind of a name is “Shining Armor”?
DM: …chose to enlist in the military after high school. After only a short and prodigious career, he has recently earned the title of Captain of the Royal Guard.
Rarity: Oh… dear.
Rainbow Dash: Great. Twilight is officially related to The Man.
Applejack: Doesn’t sound like no commoner to me. Sounds like he’s got class levels.
DM: In game terms, he probably most resembles a paragon-tier Paladin.
Pinkie Pie: The big ol’ self-righteous, smite-y class? …Huh.
Fluttershy: Well, I think that’s very nice. It must be nice to have such a wonderful sibling to look up to and rely on.
Twilight Sparkle: Look UP to?! I’m the freaking Element of Magic! If anything, he should be looking up to me!
Fluttershy: N-Nevermind. Forget I said anything…
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