What emotion or sort of experience do you associate with this image? E.g. sadness, reflection, majestic beauty, etc.
[12:28 AM] Konsumo: Interesting question and once again a scan does not fully capture the impact of the picture. It has something majestic in it, yes, as indicated by her spread wings and the expanding night sky. The picture itself is one made of contrasts and parallels… nothing in between.
[12:29 AM] Konsumo: You have the two trees…both rather static and of course..nearly mirrored in their position.
[12:29 AM] Konsumo: Yes there is a contrast in the motive. A rising pegasus and a falling one.
[12:31 AM] Konsumo: Then the stones on the right and the tree stump, the trunk, etc. on the left
[12:32 AM] Konsumo: Again an obvious contrast. something obviously crafted and not beloning to the woods versus something natural.
[12:33 AM] Konsumo: Then the parallel - both things are “broken” and in a state of decay
[12:34 AM] Konsumo: The list goes on.[12:35 AM] Konsumo: Then Luna herself… wings spread…again a almost symmetrical stance, her mane and tail mirror the night sky in their structure
[12:35 AM] Konsumo: But the moon is so bright and shining…shedding light on everything, it looks a lot like a sun
[12:36 AM] Konsumo: here, the similarities lie within her relationship to her sister and their respectives roles.
[12:37 AM] Konsumo: They are in a way one and the same despite being the exact opposite regarding day and night
[12:37 AM] Konsumo: The emotions evoked within the picture share these characteristics for me
[12:39 AM] Konsumo: On one hand I have the feeling of subtle intrigue… a calm and nearly eerie feeling in the woods lying beneath the more obvious and “louder” centre
[12:41 AM] Konsumo: So my answer is: A majestic, regal and almost pompous feeling on first glance judging by the centre of the picture but the more I look at it the more it radiates a more subtle and “quiet” beauty
[12:42 AM] Konsumo: A beauty that needs to be discovered and unveiled… secrets and details rising intrigue
[12:42 AM] Konsumo: This picture for me feels like peeling back a veil piece by piece.
The picture was sold at the charity auction at Galacon 2017 for a good cause.