Name: Princess Astaeus
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Alicorn/Pegasus
Siblings: None
Parents: Flash Sentry & Princess Twilight Sparkle
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Bio: Astraeus is the daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry. She is responsible and quite nerdy. She is one to enjoy shipping others with each other and she loves to write fanfics. She is usually caught shipping her friends together which often gets her into trouble. She makes all A’s in school and she dreams of being a scientist when she is older. Her best friends are Diamond Flame, Tender Heart, Svetlana Gem Pie, Apple Flare, Skittles, and Flame Storm.
Element: Loyalty
(iShamaLlama∫ gave me the idea for making her the Element of Loyalty)