The four princesses square off against Lady Tirek, who intends to absorb their alicorn magic. The alicorns have the evil female centaur surrounded, attempting to use their magic against her. Lady Tirek let out a gentle, but evil laugh, as she starts looking at the alicorn ponies who have her cornered. She prepares herself as her shimmering orb appears between her horns.
The princesses felt something tingling in her hooves as Lady Tirek’s magic aura surrounds their body. Lady Tirek starts to magically lift the alicorns towards her. The ponies struggled with their hooves, as they attempt to escape from her magical grasp, but her levitation was too strong for them to get out of. Lady Tirek looks at the alicorns one by one, telling them that their magic will soon be hers.
Lady Tirek opens her mouth, and starts to inhale. Princess Twilight lets out a agonizing scream as her magic begins to get sucked out of her horn, followed by the other alicorn ponies. The evil female centaur starts draining their alicorn magic at one time. Their cutie marks started to disappear very slowly during the process.
The screams from the princesses begin to stop as their magic was completely sucked out, and Lady Tirek was able to obtain it from them. The four ponies fell to the floor unconscious from the drainage of their alicorn magic. Princess Twilight could barely get up, and watch as Lady Tirek grow even further. The alicorn ponies never thought that their battle against Lady Tirek was a failure.