[Previous][Index][Next][Follow me on twitter?]* * OH GOD! THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING!Is this out of character for Celestia? Frankly, after what I saw of her at the end of A Canterlot Wedding Part 1, I have no idea anymore. So begins my real gripe with the-episode-I-can’t-bare-to-name-again, Princess Celestia herself. From here on, I’ll let Nahmat do most of the talking.But first, a little head-cannon on the anti-magic bridle.Developed shortly after the disappearance of the Crystal Empire, the Anti-Magic Bridle was invented based on the Dark Magic that King Sombra had perfected, and used to apprehend dangerous unicorn ponies. Over time, their use was decried as being cruel and unusual, and Princess Celestia ordered they all be destroyed 800 years ago.They work similarly to the black crystal shards that stopped Shining Armor from using magic throughout The Crystal Empire Parts 1 and 2, and are able to block the flow of magic in all the but most powerful and experienced unicorns. * *My Little Pony (c) Hasbro,Friendship is Magic was created by and assistants.
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