
But it’s okay, because at the very end of the two-parter titled “Twilight’s Kingdom”, Fluttershy and the rest of the Sidekick Five get to rule on a counsel under the prestigious title of “Friends of Princess Twilight”.
Not for any of their own accomplishments, of course; obviously, their only reason for existing is to prop up Our Lord and Savior Princess Twilicorn by their efforts, and the best they can hope to get back in terms of achievement or recognition is to be lifted slightly by mere association. Their only significance is that they happen to know a princess.
Goodbye, MLP G4: Friendship Is Magic.  
Hello, MLP G4.5: Twilicorn and Friends.

safe2260085 fluttershy274137 princess celestia119384 twilight sparkle373850 twilight sparkle (alicorn)152179 alicorn429446 twilight's kingdom3467 alicorn drama1109 background pony strikes again1336 cutie mark62392 drama3285 kingdom drama7 misadventure in the comments5 no pony15454 op is a cuck4965 op is trying to start shit3202 text96083 twilicorn spotlight drama46


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