Sandbar: We are! Of course we are friends, Yona!
Yona: *Pouts* Then why Sandbar asking if he wants to be friend. Sounds like Sandbar has bad memory.
Sandbar: It’s part of the curriculum! We need to be able to ask for friendship with everycreature!
Gallus: That sounds a little needy.
Smolder: At least when Sandbar says it like that.
Gallus: I mean, seriously, this is on the syllabus? Give me a challenge!
Ocellus: Well I have a book on the trigonometry of glomps that Professor Pinkie gave me to study. It’s quite advanced! *nods happily*
Silverstream: Yuh-huh! There are some pretty graphs showing stuff like a moving pony under non-uniform acceleration! I can’t wait for it to go into kinematic quantities of a classical part…. *rambles on eagerly*
Gallus: *Blinks*
Smolder: *Turning to Sandbar* So…. want to go over how to ask people to be friends again?