Smolder: I was baking and somecreature sneezed into one of the bowls which had some ingredients in it.
Silverstream: Sorry! I did say sorry. *pouts* But some of the sugary mix got on my tail. Then I felt something tugging on it later that day.
Yona: Silver was dragging Changeling around for a while. Didn’t even notice it
Ocellus: *noms*
Gallus: Well Ocellus weighs next to nothing, that’s not hard to believe. And she does have a thing for sugar.
Sandbar: *pales* So can I at least verify the cupcakes you did give us today used FRESH ingredients, not snot-covered stuff, right?
Silverstream: Of course
Sandbar: Thank Celestia…
Smolder: Except yours *smirks*