Sandbar: Why did you pick to play a Tank if you didn’t know you’d be attracting attention?
Silverstream: Well I didn’t know what it meant by tank, so I thought “Well. Fish can live in a tank. and i am a bit fish-like when a Seapony! So a ‘Tank’ made sense!
Gallus: there is so much wrong in there that it somehow comes out as right.
Smolder: Unlike you, which is all wrong.
Gallus: What? I’m a bard. I’m playing the part.
Ocellus: I don’t think lying on your back behind us every fight humming one of Countess Coloratura’s singles counts as “Playing the part”
Yona: That was song? Yona thought Griffon got tail caught in door again.
Sandbar: Savage burn from the Yak Wizard.