Page 904 - Mafia, Part 3Author: DragonTrainerNewbiespud’s Note: It’s actually super handy that there’s gonna be a significant guest arc for a while… because I was just reminded I’ve got a wedding to attend at the end of this month! Gonna be the brother of the bride!
Derpy (Rika): Well, I heard something over that side of the room.
Big Macintosh (Cory): Eeyup. I heard something too.
Rarity: You might be right. I think Gordon looks suspicious.
Shining Armor (Gordon): What?! Hey, c’mon. How am I suspicious? Remember what happened last time and you guys ended up being wrong about me?
DM: So, Gordon’s on the chopping block? Do we have a nomination here?
Twilight Sparkle: Did anypony else notice anything? Anything at all that might help us?
Applejack: Well, I noticed that this one here was grinnin’ like a schoolfilly when it looked like I was bout done fer.
Rainbow Dash: What?! You can’t be serious!
Pinkie Pie: That’s pretty suspicious behaviour there, Applejack. Why were you even looking at Rainbow Dash in the first place? Trying to pick out your next victim, Mafia?!
Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie, Applejack was saved, which makes her the one pony we know for sure isn’t Mafia.
Pinkie Pie: Oh… okay, never mind.
Rainbow Dash: I’m not Mafia, Applejack.
Applejack: I ain’t so sure bout that.
Soarin (Phil): I think AJ’s onto something here.
Rainbow Dash: Not you too!
Twilight Sparkle: I don’t think she’s Mafia. Her eyes weren’t dilated when we woke up, so…
Rarity: Oh, please. You noticed that in one split second?
Trixie (Nat): I think if anyone here’s suspicious, it’s Big Macintosh. I dunno… he’s acting kinda fishy.
Big Macintosh (Cory): Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?!
Rarity: Ooh… Good choice! He and Shining Armor are both sitting in the same direction that Rika said she heard a sound from.
Pinkie Pie: Psst! Applejack! You know him best. Maybe you can tell whether or not he’s lying.
Applejack: I got nothin’.
DM: So, Cory and… sorry, I mean… Big Mac and RD’s on the chopping block, then?
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